01 September 2023

Hepatitis C Elimination - Impact Report 2022-2023


Our journey to hepatitis C micro-elimination.

The WithYou National Hepatitis C Elimination Project, funded by Gilead Sciences, was set up in response to NHS England’s ambition to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2025, as part of the international effort to eliminate viral hepatitis as a global health threat by 2030. 

This impact report explains how WithYou services are actively raising awareness and enhancing testing and treatment processes.

Our priority has been to normalise testing and embed it as part of core services. For this reason, we launched their Test, Treat, Repeat campaign to encourage services to test every client whether or not they inject drugs.

This report also explores the importance of partnership working and collaboration in delivering micro-elimination, as well as offering in depth case studies from WithYou services in a variety of different settings.